Do you want to make a difference in your home states economic future? Become a member of the Fiscal Alliance Foundation today and help us build a stronger more prosperous state and educate the next generations for a more fiscally responsible New England.
Our mission at the Fiscal Alliance Foundation is to promote individual liberty, greater fiscal responsibility, and transparency in government across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont, and Rhode Island, through education and legal assistance.
Focusing on the New England states, the Fiscal Alliance Foundation seeks to educate the public on the benefits of applying commonsense beliefs to our state governments fiscal budgets, as well as provide legal assistance when the absence of this responsibility leads to the abridgment of our basic civil rights.
To get involved sign up below to receive updates and gain access to important, need to know information on our work. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
For more information about becoming a member, contact Anne Bresnahan, Director of Philanthropy, at [email protected]