Protecting Free Speech in MA

With cancel culture and big tech censorship becoming increasingly prevalent every day, it’s more important than ever for groups like ours to quickly and aggressively fight and protect our inalienable right to free speech.

That’s why when a Harvard Law Professor named Lawrence Lessig filed an initiative petition to limit how much money ANYONE could give to a Super-PAC, we knew we needed to step in. In a world where big tech is censoring conservative opinions at every turn and people are prevented from sharing political viewpoints on social media if they don’t conform to the Silicon Valley agenda, it is more critical than ever that rights like this are protected. Our country needs MORE speech, not less.  

As soon as we heard they were attempting to limit our rights of free speech, we took action. We delivered testimony to the state Attorney General’s office outlining exactly why we felt this was an abridgement of our constitutional rights. And the best part? They listened.

View Testimony by clicking here.

Last week, they announced they were officially ruling the question ineligible for the ballot. In their explanation, they cited many of the points we put forward in our testimony. You can read the full story here:

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and this time we were able to stop this terrible attempt to limit our rights before it went too far. We’ll keep you updated as things continue to progress.
